December 1, 2023
Dublândia: December 1st, 2023 marks the two-year anniversary of independence for The People’s Republic of Slowjamastan. It was on this very day, exactly two years ago, that The Sultan – accompanied by his best friend, Mark Corona – signed the now famous Declaration of Independence, on a newly acquired, 11-acre strip of barren land in the Southern California desert. With just a big green sign and an old desk we found on OfferUp, we launched a nation. What would unfold over the next two years, we could never even have imagined. Here are five things we’ve learned since independence…

1. Holy Crap, it’s Expensive Running a Nation
It’s like having a baby! It sounded fun, but you don’t realize how expensive it’s going to be until it’s too late…and you can’t give it back! The cost of the land was just the beginning! Merch, uniforms, websites, printing, graphic design, insurance, security cameras, etc. It literally never stops. This is not a complaint, just an observation. Slowjamastan was probably the worst financial decision of my life, but no regrets! Just don’t be surprised if, as a citizen of Slowjamastan, you eventually receive a tax bill from me!

2. If You Build it, They Will Come
Two years later, we have more than 16,000 citizens! Here’s the part where The Sultan thanks you profusely for being a part of Slowjamastan! Thank you for your citizenship, your support and your loyalty! A special thanks to all of our Governors, Governesses, Parliament Members and Ambassadors, whose contributions literally helped build our nation. And thanks to the under 100,000 people who have made the physical pilgrimage out to Slowjamastan to join us for our events. We may not have a Ferris wheel like Coachella, but we have raccoons!

3. There are Others Like us!
We certainly weren’t the first to launch a “micronation,” and we won’t be the last. There are dozens (maybe hundreds) of other “special” people like The Sultan who have formed their own countries. Over the last two years, we’ve had the pleasure of meeting many other “World Leaders” from micronations around the world, and feel so happy to have met so many great, new friends.
4. Some Get it, Some Don’t
The funniest part of satire is watching the 1% of folks who don’t understand satire. It’s actually very entertaining. Consider yourself part of a very special club: You’re “in” on this. You get to watch the confused look on people’s faces at work after you tell them you have dual citizenship with the world’s newest country…or act surprised when the bartender tells you he doesn’t accept Dubles. Our life feels richer since the creation of Slowjamastan, and we hope yours does, too!

5. If You Can Dream it, You Can do it
I remember a motivational speaker coming to my fifth grade class who delivered this line, and it stuck: If you can dream it, you can do it! This is true in the case of Slowjamastan and we know it’s true for you! A little over two years ago, I called Mark and said, “Dude, I bought some desert land four hours away…meet me there and let’s do something cool with it!” And here we are today, with more citizens than two recognized countries, over 1,000 news features in 100+ countries, and a wall full of awards and commendations.
There’s so much more to come in 2024. We hope you’ll continue to be a part of Slowjamastan. There are so many ways to be an active Slowjamastani: by joining us at our events (both inside and outside The Motherland), interacting on our social media channels, and simply spreading the Slowjamastan gospel to friends and strangers alike. Slowjamastan just doesn’t live out in the far away desert, Slowjamastan lives in your heart. ¡Viva Slowjamastan!
Hail to the Sultan.
I wish that there was some Slowjamistan sand in my house. It would make me feel closer to the homeland I have never visited.
Solicito el.pasaporte diplomático, para ser Embajador de su país,
Prof.. Dr. Rafael Ruiz Gaona
¡Esta página explica cómo ganar uno! ¡Buena suerte!
I live in Bangladesh, how can I get this passport, I want your help, and I want to become a citizen
#SLOWJAMASTAN: No Crocs, No Mumble Rap, No Problem
👑Sultan the great! From a filipina willingly to serve and share talents for growth of our very own micronation SLOWJAMASTAN
My name is Thiam Abdramane I would like to be part of the population for this country
We welcome you!
Dear Honorable Sultan of the Peoples Republic of SLOWJAMASTAN,
I am happy to been a citizenship of SLOWJAMASTAN. Thank you very much to Honorable Sultan of the People of SLOWJAMASTAN.
However, can I get a printed passport of the Peoples Republic of SLOWJAMASTAN by post? If possible please let me know the requirement for issue the Peoples Republic of SLOWJAMASTAN passport. This passport would be effective to shaw to my friends & family as well as my foreign friends that I am a proud citizen of the Peoples Republic of SLOWJAMASTAN.
Thanks & best Regards
Mohammed Solaiman
Yes sir! They are available to order on THIS website, have at it!
Hola saludos desde la Republica de Panamá. Espero que nuestra cancilleria prontamente establesca relaciones bilaterales con su nacion. Espero poder conocerle en algún momento. Saludos.
Hola que tal? Sabes que el Sultan es un residente permanente de Panama?
#SLOWJAMASTAN: No Crocs, No Mumble Rap, No Problem
👑Sultan the great! From a filipina willingly to serve and share talents for growth of our very own micronation SLOWJAMASTAN
It is one of the best moments ever to celebrate another year of independence. Long live the sultan.
Thank you very much.You are such a beautiful country to give gifts to the world. I want to be a citizen of your country.Please do me citizen.I am saying from Bangladesh.
Slowjamastan dream is an ideology that has been around,knowing, and praised for period of time,a story than has been written out for us and embed in our minds, we rise and hold this bellive to our heart looking upon the our flag,we grow up bellivinng that we are privive one’s who have opportunity of liberty, justice for all
Glorifying what it means to be Slowjamastan convicting as that we can call all have opportunity to be even president thus creating a fixed mindset of paradise our dream our state Slowjamastan.
Victory to freedom, victory to the king, I salute the one who became independent at the call of the king, I pray to the Lord that the people of that country be happy and peaceful.
Hi,Sultan i alredy posted on my Facebook your flag .can i win a diplomatic pasport.
you can check my facebook is:Monirul Islam
I am happy for your ouners..
My name is parvez iftakhar
Dearest Sultan,
I was never aware that we have a river. Imagine my complete surprise!
The news sent my infidels mind racing and begs the question of whether it means we have a lake?
The Sultan Sea?
Your humble servant,
I was wondering the same thing. Or perhaps the Sultan, honorable servant of the people, could install a small pond somewhere around the border of Palmerstan?
Such a joyful occasion!
Slowjamastan est un pays qui ressemble tout le monde sans exception de couleur ni de étrangers c’est un pays formidable je vous assure
Happy Independence Day Slowjamastan!
Sincerely, Pazylov Artur
Happy birthday to our nation…
Happy Crockless Day
You guys are awesome! Happy Independence Day!
Honorable Sultan, Yes, it is with the utmost respect and gratitude I wish to express my appreciation.
For you have accepted and blessed me with citizenship in your magnificent country Slowjamastan! Thank you. Anonymous citizen
Happy B-Day!!!
The time has flown by…Happy Birthday to the newest republic…
my dear sultan how are you my name Mahabuburahman manik
i from Bangladesh and Love it slowjamastan
Aloha from the Sovereign Republic of Anahola Shores (SRAS)!
Here’s a suggestion for how to raise funds for Slowjamastan. The brilliant Peter Sellars film “The Mouse that Roared” tells the tale of an impoverished small nation that hit upon the idea of declaring war on the USA, then surrendering and lapping up the sure to follow American recovery aid (e.g. the Marshall Plan). If the idea of declaring war goes against the Sultan’s pacifist conscience, consider that statecraft may demand sacrifices, or at least compromises. An occupying force from the victorious USA may have to be stationed in the Sovereign Republic, but this could be a boon for Slowjamastan merchandise sales and tourism services. Perhaps a while new and profitable visitor industry would be established. Moreover, there could be great and much needed morale boosts for the victors. Seems like a possible win-win all around.
O Fearless Sultan: Greetings and salutations!
I’ve been with you since almost the beginning (May 1, 2022).
I’ll be with you until the end.
Awaiting new wonders in the new year.
Yours loyally,
Citizen Cain
Beatty, NV, USA
Dear Sultan
I so much want to be a adiplomat and g and it gets and a truccet my diploymat passport. Here is my problem. I naver been on a social media website and I have never used a streaming service. Its like my computer has been a citizen of Slowjamistan for decades. But I still have my freedom and my soul. Previously I looked into being a diployment but I think I had to pay something and I can’t do that. Living payment to payment on social securty really sucks. Sometimes steal fro,m my neighbors garbage which is really tough brbcause you put the garbag out in the eving and a truck picks it up in the morning.
Your long time cizen Paul. PS I don’t know what html tags are so I didnt use any. Sorry.
Amen Amen Amen!!!
A message of solidarity from the Sovereign Republic of Anahola Shores:
Shame on those whose act of vandalism sullied your sovereign shores! May their wicked hands (and other relevant parts) rot off! Does not their dastardly deed constitute a provocation for declaring war? If the perpetrators are US citizens, this could be Slowjamastan’s golden opportunity to cash in on reparations by declaring a war of revenge and then surrendering to an invading force. Should the victor choose to station an army of occupation, this could jumpstart the Slowjamistani economy as it provides services like souvenir Tshirts and bumperstickers to the troops. An ancillary blessing might be a significant rise in the duble to dollar exchange rate.
If fate deals you lemons, make lemonade, or, more appropriately, if fate deals you sand, make sandwiches!
P.S. Is there a Slowjamastan National Sandwich? Seems as if there ought to be.
We’re thinking the Monte Cristo. The perfect combo of savory and sweet…just like our Sultan!