Royal Intervention: Sultan Enlists San Diego DA in Battle Against Contraband Clown Shoes
April 6th, 2024
In a scene reminiscent of a B-movie diplomatic crisis, the Sultan rolled out the red carpet for San Diego‘s District Attorney Summer Stephan at The American Consulate this week. The mission? To tackle the epidemic of Crocs infiltrating Slowjamastan, a nation plagued by the grotesque influx of these rubbery abominations.

Graciously, the Sultan remarked, “What an honor to host the esteemed D.A. in our humble abode and shed light on the nefarious Croc conundrum. For over a year, our land has been besieged by these dreadful shoes, and lo and behold, the trail leads straight to San Diego. If only we could plug the leak before these ghastly Crocs sully our serene shores!”
>>> RELATED: “So Where IS Slowjamastan??? See our Location HERE <<<

Since February 2023, Croc seizures at Slowjamastan’s borders have surged by a staggering 32%, leaving Chief Porder Batrol Agent Mark Corona scratching his head in disbelief.
“Our adversaries are evolving,” lamented the Chief. “They’ve taken to stashing Crocs in the most unthinkable places: tailpipes, eggplant crates, and God forbid, even potato salad! Can you imagine the horror? First raisins, and now Crocs in the potato salad!”

Faced with this unprecedented crisis, Slowjamastan has rallied its citizens, launching an international call center dubbed the “Croc Blocker Hotline.” This toll-free tip line implores the populace to report any sightings of Crocs or provide intel on the dastardly smugglers. The number to call? 866-NO-CROCS. Informants stand to gain up to $10,000 Dubles, ensuring that justice – and sanity – prevail in the war against Croc contraband.
Assalamualaikum Mr. Sultan. At first take my love. I am 17years old a little boy. I want to be a citizen of your country. Could you help me please because I love your country and your pretiction rules. If I get the leadership of your country then I will try my best to be a good citizen and come forward in the development of the country.I may not have any talent but I will try my best to protect the country and I will not hesitate to do whatever it takes for the country.
You know the rest because you understand this world better than me, so you know very well what is good and what is bad. My dream of becoming a citizen of your country is now in your hands. Hope you help.assalamualaikum
By the way I’m from Bangladesh 🇧🇩🖤
I ate a clown once after a rough two weeks on the shores of the Sultan Sea, it tasted funny.