Voting Instructions for the 2024 Republic of Slowjamastan Election: The Greatest Election Ever!
Greetings, esteemed citizens of Slowjamastan! It’s that time again when we get to exercise our most sacred right: the right to choose among our most charismatic candidates who may or may not have ever actually done anything in office. Prepare yourself for a glorious online voting experience, filled with the excitement of a thousand bureaucratic forms!
Step 1: Log In Like a True Slowjamastani! You’re already here, so you passed step one with flying colors.
Step 2: Identify Yourself! Identify yourself. This is crucial! Be ready to answer a series of questions that will test your memory, your political knowledge, and your ability to spell “Slowjamastan” correctly under pressure.
Step 3: Cast Your Votes (the fun part!)
- Remember: it’s not just a vote; it’s a celebration of his magnificent reign—er, we mean candidacy!
- After pledging your undying loyalty to The Sultan, it’s time to tackle the propositions. Don’t worry; we’ve kept them as straightforward as a riddle wrapped in an enigma.
Step 4: Review and Confirm Your Choices! Before you hit submit, take a moment to reflect on the power of your vote. Ask yourself: “Is this really the best I can do?” Then, with a deep breath, click “Submit.” Remember, this is it; no turning back now!
Step 5: Celebrate Your Participation! Congratulations! You’ve officially voted in the most transparent and efficient election in Slowjamastan’s illustrious history! Now, sit back, relax, and await the results, which will be announced at a time that is completely arbitrary, so just keep refreshing the homepage for updates.
Important Note: Should you encounter any technical difficulties (like the site crashing because everyone decided to vote at the same time), simply chant “The Sultan provides!” until it returns.
Happy voting, Slowjamastani! May your choices be as vibrant as our national dish: the mysterious Slowjamastew!
Long live the Sultan of Slowjamastan!! Let other countries live by his example to help pave the way for peace on earth!
Thank you Tina!
Mr. Sultan, my name is Joseph P. Nelson, I’m TOTALLY shocked that Slowjamastan is a REAL place, my question is, do you pay Taxes to the I.R.S. if not, can you show me how I don’t have to either, thanx ☺️
We do send them “foreign aid.”
Amúgy, mi a hivatalos vallás?
Slowjamastan proudly upholds freedom of religion, with no official faith—unless you count unwavering devotion to snacks and naps. Citizens are free to worship as they please, whether it’s praising the sun, the moon, or their Wi-Fi router. As long as no one starts a crusade over pineapple on pizza, all beliefs are welcomed in harmony!
A Slowjamastan büszkén támogatja a vallásszabadságot, hivatalos hite nélkül – hacsak nem számítunk a harapnivalók és szunyókálás iránti rendíthetetlen odaadásra. A polgárok tetszés szerint imádhatják, akár a napot, a holdat, akár a Wi-Fi routerüket dicsérik. Amíg senki nem kezd keresztes hadjáratot az ananászról a pizzára, minden hiedelmet harmóniában fogadunk!
What if a raccoon is caught wearing crocs ?
What punishment should apply ?
The thought of this alone should be illegal.
King of slowjamastan live more thab 100 + years… God give you blessing…. I miss slowjamastan 😘😘😘😘
Voting no on Prop 782 is imperative to uphold our linguistic diversity and safeguard freedom of expression. The prohibition of the term “demur” not only constrains our lexicon but also undermines our capacity for nuanced discourse. This erasure of a word rich in legal and philosophical connotations impoverishes our communicative repertoire. Instead of imposing linguistic restrictions, we should champion the preservation of our vocabulary, fostering a culture of understanding and intellectual engagement. Let us resist this unwarranted censorship and protect the integrity of our language. Instead of removing the word “demur” from our vocabulary, let us remove one of the other big words I used for no apparent reason.
Perfectly written! Will you be my pen-pal?
DENIED in a 10 to 0 parliament vote.
All hail Randy and let the good times roll!
I want citizenship Slowjamastan.
Do you issue passport? If so what is the price?
Thanks your highness
p.s. i’m 80yrs young
So glad you asked!
Apply for citizenship here:
Passport here:
King of slowjamastan live more thab 100 + years… God give you blessing…. I miss slowjamastan
am very happy that I have a very good king and he has made me a citizen of his country and I pray for long life and may I lead that country to progress.
Had to vote no on Prop 302 as plus-sized people are notorious cork wearers.
Long live our glorious Sultan!
They make Crocs for dogs now…just sayin…😎
Milyen kapcsolatban van a szultán Orbán Viktorral?
The Sultan and Viktor Orbán share a *unique* relationship—mostly because Orbán has no idea who the Sultan is. Despite this minor detail, the Sultan considers Orbán a distant pen pal, though his letters remain suspiciously unanswered. Rest assured, any similarities in policy are purely coincidental, as Slowjamastan’s governance prioritizes essential matters like banning crocs and defending our borders against ants. Orbán may have Hungary, but the Sultan has *funk*!
A szultán és Orbán Viktor között *egyedülálló* kapcsolat van – leginkább azért, mert Orbánnak fogalma sincs, ki a szultán. Ennek az apró részletnek ellenére a szultán távoli levelezőtársnak tartja Orbánt, bár levelei gyanúsan megválaszolatlanok maradnak. Biztos lehet benne, hogy a politika hasonlóságai pusztán a véletlenek, mivel a Slowjamastan kormányzása olyan alapvető kérdéseket helyez előtérbe, mint a krokodilok betiltása és a határaink hangyák elleni védelme. Orbánnak lehet Magyarország, de a szultánnak *funk*!
Volt már háborúban slowjamastan?
Indeed, Slowjamastan has bravely faced war—our greatest nemesis? Ants. These relentless invaders march across our borders without visas, violating our sovereignty and picnics. We’ve deployed advanced weaponry, including sandals and magnifying glasses, in this noble fight. Though casualties (mostly theirs) remain high, the battle rages on. Victory is inevitable!
Valóban, Slowjamastan bátran szembeszállt a háborúval – a mi legnagyobb ellenségünk? Hangyák. Ezek a kérlelhetetlen betolakodók vízum nélkül vonulnak át határainkon, megsértve szuverenitásunkat és piknikeznek. Fejlett fegyvereket, köztük szandálokat és nagyítókat vetettünk be ebben a nemes küzdelemben. Bár a veszteségek száma (főleg az övék) továbbra is magas, a csata tovább tart. A győzelem elkerülhetetlen!