January 23rd, 2025

Dublândia – After four grueling days of intense labor, sweat, and what we can only assume was a lot of Monster Energy drinks, the Republic of Slowjamastan is proud to announce the construction of… drumroll please… a wall! Okay, technically, it’s a fence. But not just any fence—it’s a damn fine one! It’s so good, even fence experts would nod in approval (we assume).

This monumental achievement wouldn’t have been possible without the generous contributions of Slowjamastan’s loyal citizens. Your donations made this marvel of modern border security—complete with a sprinkle of razor wire—a reality. And if you missed the chance to contribute, don’t worry. There’s still time to have your name immortalized on a plaque that will proudly grace the gates of Slowjamastan’s shiny new port of entry. Details on how to secure your slice of fame are at the end of this article, so keep reading—don’t blow it!

Rescue Rick works on Dee Fence!

From Groundbreaking to Greatness

The festivities kicked off with an official groundbreaking ceremony attended by an enormous crowd of under 1,000 people. Among the VIPs was George Nava, former mayor, current Brawley council member, and longtime Slowjamastan enthusiast. Nava graced the event with his presence and his blessing, presumably to remind everyone that he knows a good thing when he sees one.

The press wasn’t far behind—paparazzi from the Imperial Valley’s Desert Review and even The Los Angeles Times showed up to document history in the making. Rumor has it they’re preparing a hard-hitting exposé on Slowjamastan, which may or may not involve close-ups of the Sultan’s socks. Stay tuned.


Brawley Mayor, George Nava, The Sultan, Chief Mark Corona, and Rescue Rick break ground on Slowjamastan’s border wall at The Republic of Slowjamastan on January 17, 2025
(l-r) Brawley Mayor, George Nava, The Sultan, Chief Mark Corona, Rescue Rick, Travis O’Connor, Mia Phillips and in front (l-r) Kaia and Sierra Petrilla break ground on Slowjamastan’s border wall at The Republic of Slowjamastan on January 17, 2025

The Real Work (And a Conveniently Timed Exit)

After the ceremonial pomp and circumstance, it was time to separate the true patriots from the “oops-I-forgot-my-shovel” crowd. Chief Porder Agent Mark Corona, known for his impeccable timing, mysteriously had to rush back to Arizona for an “important appointment.” Suspicious? Perhaps. Convenient? Definitely.

With Corona MIA, the remaining crew—led by none other than The Sultan himself—rolled up their sleeves and got down to business. Visitors stopped by throughout the weekend to witness the action, snap selfies with the Sultan (off-duty chic), and marvel at the construction prowess of a micronation’s finest.


Sultan layin’ down the pipe.
Travis O’Connor and Mia Phillips at The Republic of Slowjamastan on January 17, 2025
Ain’t no party like a Slowjamastan party.
Imari S. Nuyen-Kariotis from Salton City, California, U.S.A. – Slowjamastan Ministry of Communications and Propaganda

Mission Accomplished

Three days and countless coffee breaks later, the fence was completed. The Sultan ceremoniously installed the final pole and supervised the stringing of the last strand of barbed wire. Now, Slowjamastan boasts not one but two secure border entries, ensuring that friendly visitors can be monitored and less-than-friendly ones can be politely shooed away.

The Sultan has but one humble request: Please leave Slowjamastan better than you found it—it’s the Slowjamastani way.



Your Name, Immortalized

For those who didn’t pitch in but now feel the pangs of regret, fret not. A $10 donation (or more, if you’re feeling fancy) will secure your name on the glorious plaque at the new border gate. (FYI: Initial donors of ALL amounts up until this moment are already included on the plaque). But act fast—this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity ends on Sunday, January 26th. *** GO HERE to add YOUR NAME to the plaque ***

Don’t miss your chance to become a permanent part of Slowjamastan history. Because, let’s face it—who doesn’t want their name on a fence?


Your name here!


Before We Say Goodbye
A round of slow claps for Slowjamastan’s illustrious Ambassador to Cherry Valley, California, who heroically documented the wall construction in what can only be described as award-worthy cinematography:



Become a Slowjamastan Citizen HERE!


4 thoughts on “Slowjamastan Builds Wall, Declares “No Crocs Shall Pass!”

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