BY HARVEY SCHMIDLAP l STAFF WRITER June 4th, 2023 Dublândia: Earlier this morning, The Sultan announced his attendance at Microcon 2023 , being held Saturday, July 1st in Joliet, Illinois. The Sultan will attend the international conference
Author: Slowjamastan State Department
BY HARVEY SCHMIDLAP l STAFF WRITER May 20th, 2023 Dublândia, Slowjamastan: Under 10,000 Slowjamastani citizens, neighbors, allies and onlookers flocked to The Republic to witness a Slowjamastan first, as the young
BY HARVEY SCHMIDLAP l STAFF WRITER April 29th, 2023 Los Angeles: Our Dear Leader has once again infiltrated the American media, this time, appearing on NBC‘s The Kelly Clarkson Show, on Monday, May 1st. The Sultan said, “I
Slowjamastan’s national TV network has launched via our official YouTube channel HERE . Slowjamastan’s national radio station is Slow Jams Radio , aka “Sunday Night Slow Jams,” which airs every Sunday
Currency: Dubles (rhymes with Russian “Rubles”) Coins: Dubloons Secretary of Treasury: Dave Denes Federal Bank: Bank of Slowjamastan How can I purchase Dubles and Dubloons? Go HERE ! How can I purchase Dubles and Dubloons? Go HERE
In 2022, Slowjamastan Porder Batrol… Seized 427 pairs of Crocs Stopped 79 drivers who had their feet on the dashboard Constructed 14 feet of new border fence Destroyed 17 tunnels (later discovered to be just gophers, but still…)
BY HARVEY SCHMIDLAP l STAFF WRITER April 3rd, 2023 Dublândia, Slowjamastan: Under 20,000 Slowjamastani citizens and supporters joined The Sultan and Parliament last to celebrate the arrival of the two latest official state vehicles to
BY HARVEY SCHMIDLAP l STAFF WRITER February 4th, 2023 Dublândia, Slowjamastan: From the looks of it, The Slowjamastan passport is quickly on its way to becoming on of the most powerful passports in the world. On recent trips through Africa
BY HARVEY SCHMIDLAP l STAFF WRITER January 27th, 2023 Dublândia, Slowjamastan: If you missed the chance to meet The Sultan and Slowjamastan Parliament members in 2022, this year promises even more opportunities to catch up with the leaders of
BY HARVEY SCHMIDLAP l STAFF WRITER January 24, 2023 San Diego: It was wheels up once again in December, as our great Sultan continued his quest to see every country in the world. There are 193 nations on the planet.
BY HARVEY SCHMIDLAP l STAFF WRITER October 29th, 2022 Dublândia, Slowjamastan: The masses converged on The Motherland last weekend for what critics are calling one of the world’s most over-hyped mediocre events of the century: The Slowjamastan Spooktacular .
BY HARVEY SCHMIDLAP l STAFF WRITER October 29th, 2022 Dublândia, Slowjamastan: You can’t protect a newly created nation from natural disasters without a fire engine, right? Thanks to Slowjamastan Director of Emergency Services, Rescue Rick, that liability is