Visit The Republic of Slowjamastan (on Second Thought…)



IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE: We welcome friendly, non-Croc wearing visitors, but ONLY BY APPOINTMENT AND APPROVAL.

We love to joke, but we need to be serious for a moment:

This is PRIVATE land and trespassing is illegal under California/Imperial County laws. 


You may take a photo/selfie in front of our big green sign, but from OUTSIDE the property. (Property is clearly marked on corners by fences.) You assume all responsibility. This is desert terrain and there are poisonous snakes and other dangerous 

We strongly recommend you come by during one of our events. We’d hate for you to spend all that money on gas and drive hours through the American desert just to arrive at Slowjamastan to find the Sultan’s not home…nor anyone else. It might be kinda lonely for you. I mean, if you’re in the neighborhood, sure – but we wouldn’t recommend making a long trip to our nation outside of visiting hours. At least, not until The Sultan’s Lazy River® is completed.  If you do come, you assume any and all risks. No one’s died in Slowjamastan yet, let’s keep it that way.

When is our next event(s)? We’re glad you asked! Sign up for our free Sultan Sun™ newsletter HERE for updates!


For our friends outside of North America: Please see this URGENT TRAVEL ADVISORY.




Well would ya look who stopped by?!